We are pleased to bring to you the latest AKE innovations from the recently concluded Ligna 2017. Among the highlights of the show is the award winning AKE Cutting 2.0 technology. First introduced in 2013 with the AKE SuperSilent sizing sawblades, Cutting 2.0 has been incorporated into other AKE products and the results speaks for themselves. The fundamentally different cutting method of Cutting 2.0 products (achieved by rearranging the gullets) prevents chipping.
This has resulted in the following tooling milestones:
- Larger variety of materials can now be processed with our Cutting 2.0 tools.
- Increased tool life, in the case of the type 24 panel sizing sawblades incorporating Cutting 2.0, upwards to 70%.
- Quality finishing requiring minimal to no rework, as seen in the performance of the Cutting 2.0 DP Shank Z3 Cutters and DP Harmony Jointing Cutters.

Another innovation introduced by AKE is the new AKE HP Collet Chuck. This high performance chuck, compatible with standard collets, offers a concentricity of up to 0.008mm and is capable of operating in speeds up to 24,000 RPM.
The performance of all these innovations have been certified by our customers as seen by their video testimonies.